
Unveiling the Secrets Behind My Latest Thriller

It’s me, Dirk Volcano, the voice behind your favorite adventure thrillers and cosy mysteries. Today, I’m ecstatic to share some backstage whispers from my latest Dylan Danger Adventure Thriller. Grab a coffee, settle in, and let’s embark on this behind-the-scenes journey together!

1. The Inspiration

Every story begins with a spark. For this installment, the muse came from an old newspaper article I stumbled upon during my travels in Eastern Europe. This obscure piece told tales of hidden treasures and unsung heroes. It felt like Dylan Danger was calling out to me from those very pages!

2. Character Evolution

The evolution of characters is a fascinating aspect of a series. As the chapters of their lives unfold, I feel they grow richer in personality. This time, I’ve introduced flaws, hopes, and challenges for Dylan that even I didn’t see coming! And trust me, it has made his journey all the more gripping.

3. Real Locations, Mystified

One of my favorite parts about penning the Dylan Danger series is incorporating real-world locations, but with a twist. In this thriller, you’ll find landmarks you might recognize, but they hold secrets that only exist in our shared fictional universe. It’s an amalgamation of reality and my vivid imagination.

4. Easter Eggs & Connections

For my dedicated fans, there are hidden easter eggs linking back to the Village Detective cosy mysteries. While both series stand strong on their own, the interconnected universe only deepens the reading experience. Keep an eye out, and let me know if you spot them!

5. Research & More Research

My travels and extensive research are pillars to the authenticity of the narrative. From studying ancient languages to understanding the nuances of professional heists, I immerse myself in details. I believe that to deliver thrill, one must live a fraction of it.

6. Writing Rituals

Every author has their quirks. Mine? A dim-lit room, a cup of spiced chai, and ambient sounds playing in the background. The right atmosphere is the catalyst to bring Dylan’s world to life.

I’d like to thank all of you for joining Dylan and me on these exhilarating adventures. Your passion fuels mine, and together, we’ll continue to uncover secrets, chase mysteries, and experience heart-stopping moments.

Until next time, keep those pages turning and your imagination soaring.


Dirk Volcano